The Jumbo Jungle Gym cage
This cage is 8 feet wide and four feet deep!

As far as I got with designing the Jumbo cage was to work out all the
frame Measurements and then cover the cage with mesh,
which is a quick and easy solution to providing a big habitat,
but one guy who bought the plans took it a step further...

He took the Measurements and Materials List and added a white back wall
and ceiling, clear front windows and a raised floor. Nice job, Adam!

Adam's Green Iguana Habitat

The raised floor is something that I'd like to see on every one of these cages.

I hope that at least some of the people who buy these plans
eventually add a raised floor. It serves several purposes...
and they're all good.

Raised floor on the Jumbo

There's really only one reason that we go to all of this trouble to make
nice big enclosures for our green pets...

I'm happy... can't you tell?

We want them to be happy .

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